2014 Maroondah Logo RGB.jpg




(as addressed)



The next Council Meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, Realm, on Monday 19 February 2024, commencing at 7:30pm and your presence is requested.



Yours faithfully



Steve Kozlowski




This meeting is being streamed live on the internet and recorded.

Every care is taken to maintain privacy and attendees are advised they may be recorded.


This meeting of Council can be viewed on Council’s website via:





Council Chamber
is fitted with a Hearing Aid Induction Loop


Switch Hearing Aid to ‘T’ for Reception



179 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood, 3134


PO Box 156, Ringwood 3134

DX 38068, Ringwood


1300 88 22 33







Service Centres

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS): 131 450

National Relay Service (NRS): 133 677

(03) 9298 4345




Croydon: Civic Square, Croydon 3136

Realm: 179 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood 3134







1.       Prayer and Councillor Pledge

2.       Acknowledgment of Country

3.       Apologies

4.       Declaration of Interests

5.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 11 December 2023.

6.       Public Questions

7.       Officers’ Reports

Chief Executive Officer

1.       Affirmation of Office - Result of By-Election - Barngeong Ward                              4

Chief Financial Officer

1.       Attendance Report                                                                                                    6

2.       Reports of Councillor Briefings                                                                                 8

3.       Council Advisory Committees - Report on 2023 activities                                     10

4.       Financial Report: Six Months ending December 2023                                           23

5.       Council Representation 2023/24 Vacancies                                                          26

6.       Amending Council Meeting Schedule 2024                                                           30

7.       Report of Audit and Risk Committee Meeting - 7 February 2024                          33

8.       Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023/24) Priority Action Progress

          Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24                                                                                   36

9.       Local Government Performance Reporting Framework - Service

          Performance Indicator Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24                                              39

Director Assets & Leisure

1.         Community Facilities Lease Agreement for the Ringwood Croquet

Club Inc.                                                                                                                  42

2.       Capital Works Report: Second Quarter 2023/24 Financial Year                           45

Director Strategy & Development

1.       Maroondah Planning Scheme Review                                                                   50

8.       Documents for Sealing

1.       Letters Under Seal - Recognition of 2024 Australia Day Honours                        59

9.       Motions to Review

10.     Late Items

11.     Requests for Leave of Absence

Chief Executive Officer Steve Kozlowski

Affirmation of Office - Result of By-Election - Barngeong Ward

Item 1



To note the Affirmation of Office made by the successful candidate – Chris Jones – at the Barngeong Ward by-election for the office of Councillor.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community


Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.


Key Directions 2023 – 2024:


8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable


Chris Jones was declared elected as a Councillor for the Barngeong Ward following a by-election held on Saturday 2 December 2023, conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission via postal vote. The by-election was required due to an extraordinary vacancy on Council caused by the resignation of former Councillor Marijke Graham. 

Issue / discussion

It is a statutory requirement under section 30 of the Local Government Act 2020 that the successful candidate be required to take an oath or affirmation of office prior to taking up the office of Councillor. The affirmation states that the Code of Conduct has been read and that the provisions of the Code will be abided by.


The Affirmation of Office is to be made by the successful candidate within 3 months of being declared elected and is to be made before and witnessed by the Chief Executive Officer. 


Councillor Chris Jones made an Affirmation of Office immediately following the Declaration of the Poll on Tuesday 12 December 2023. Cr Jones will serve on Council up to the next general election, which is due to be held in October 2024.

Financial / economic issues

Not Applicable

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable


Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable


The document pertaining to the Affirmation of Office is a requirement of section 30(2)(c) Local Government Act 2020 and will be noted by Council and form part of the official Council Minutes.





2023 Barngeong By-Election - Cr Chris Jones - Affirmation of Office



Not Applicable








Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Attendance Report

Item 1



To provide an opportunity for Councillors to report on Council activities undertaken since the last Ordinary Meeting of Council and forthcoming ward activities.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovation community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1    Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable


Not Applicable

Issue / discussion

It is intended that the Mayor and Councillors be given the opportunity to present a verbal or written report updating Council on the activities they have undertaken since the last Ordinary Meeting of Council on 11 December 2023 in their role as Councillors and forthcoming ward activities.

Financial / economic issues

Not Applicable

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable


It is appropriate that Councillors formally report to Council upon the activities they have undertaken in their role as Councillors.




Not Applicable


Not Applicable





Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Reports of Councillor Briefings

Item 2



To present the ‘Public Record’ of those Councillor Briefings which are attended by Councillors and generally held on Monday evenings at Realm, usually two weeks prior to the formal Council Meeting, and to note the issues discussed.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community


Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovation community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.


Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1    Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable


As part of decision-making processes at Maroondah, it is essential that Councillors are briefed on a range of issues which come before Council for consideration. As a means of providing this information, Councillor Briefings are conducted. 


Councillor Briefings are also attended by Council Officers, and sometimes other specific advisors, to provide Councillors with a detailed knowledge and understanding of issues under consideration to a level of detail that would inhibit timely decision-making, that would not be possible in an open Council meeting, where decision-making related debate is governed by strict meeting procedures.


A Councillor Briefing is a non-decision-making forum, and as per past good governance practice, is deemed to be a scheduled or planned meeting comprising a majority of Councillors (at least 5) and one (1) Council employee, for the purpose of discussing matters that are intended or likely to be:


·        the subject of a decision of the Council; or

·        subject to the exercise of a delegated function, duty or power of Council.

Examples of a Councillor Briefings may include:


·        On-site inspections,

·        Consultative Meetings with residents, developers, consultants

·        Meetings with local organisations, Government Departments, statutory authorities, and local politicians.

Issue / discussion

Councillor Briefings are generally held twice a month, on Monday evenings at Realm, usually two (2) weeks prior to, and on the night of a formal Council meeting.


The intent of this report is to present a ‘Public Record’ of those Councillor Briefings which are generally attended by all Councillors and typically held on Monday evenings, and to note the items discussed. 


The ‘Public Record’ of the Councillor Briefings held on the 11 December 2023, 5 February 2024 and 12 February 2024 are attached for information.

Financial / economic issues

Not Applicable

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable


Councillor Briefings are important forums for advice and discussion, on what are often complex issues facing the municipality, in the lead up to formal decisions being made by Councillors at Council Meetings. At Councillor Briefings, or outside them, Councillors also have the opportunity of requesting additional information to assist in the decision-making process.


It is appropriate that the ‘Public Record’ of those Councillor Briefings, which are attended by a majority of Councillors, i.e., at least five (5) Councillors and one (1) employee of Council, be noted.





2023 December 11 - Councillor Briefing Public Record


2024 February 05 - Councillor Briefing Public Record


2024 February 12 - Councillor Briefing Public Record



Not Applicable




Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Council Advisory Committees - Report on 2023 activities

Item 3



The purpose of this report is to provide an update to Council on the activities of its advisory committees during the 2023 calendar year.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable

8.4     Work in partnership to deliver innovative, accessible and evidence informed services that are people focused, proactive, integrated and responsive

8.9     Undertake inclusive engagement and consultation using accessible and tailored approaches to consider the needs and aspirations of people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds

8.12 Foster local and regional partnerships with individuals, community groups, businesses, service providers, agencies and all levels of government


Council has a number of committees that provide advice and recommendations to Maroondah City Council on matters relating to the delivery of strategies, services and activities.

In 2023, there were seven Advisory Committees of Council who provided advice and input on priority issues and supported the work of Council in working towards the community vision outlined in Maroondah 2040: Our future together. The committees comprise:

·        Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee

·        Maroondah Arts Advisory Committee

·        Maroondah Business Advisory Committee

·        Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Committee

·        Maroondah Disability Advisory Committee

·        Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee

·        Maroondah Liveability, Safety and Amenity Committee

These seven committees collectively inform the policy agenda of Council, are linked to regional networks and provide authoritative advice on Council services and initiatives.

The committees consist of a mix of Councillors, relevant service providers, community groups, and community members. The chair of the Committee is a Councillor as appointed by Council. Council officers provide administrative support and technical advice.

Advisory committee meetings are held 3-4 times a year and are conducted in accordance with the individual committee’s Terms of Reference.

Issue / discussion

Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee was established in 2020 to holistically consider the accessibility, social inclusion and equity needs of all population groups in the municipality.


The role of the Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee is to advise Council on the development, implementation and review of the Maroondah Liveability, Wellbeing and Resilience Strategy and embedded action plans, build partnerships that enhance community wellbeing, promote social isolation, equity and belonging, and address social harms. The Committee also provides input into the development of strategy, policy, partnership activities and advocacy efforts in relation to a range of social policy issues impacting specific population groups including emergency relief, homelessness, cultural and linguistic diverse communities, indigenous and reconciliation matters, LBGTIQ+ community, gender equity and identity, social inclusion, social and affordable housing and interfaith matters.


In 2023, the Committee consisted of 15 members. This comprised of twelve agency representatives from local community service agency partners, four community representatives, three Councillors and two Council Officers. The Committee chairperson for 2023 was Cr Suzy Stojanovic. The other delegated representatives were Cr Marijke Graham (until September 2023) and Cr Kylie Spears.


During 2023, the Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee met four times to provide valuable input and perspectives on access, inclusion and equity considerations relating to a broad range of Council strategic work, program development and delivery, and capital works projects as highlighted below:


Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Reconciliation Plan

·        Gender Equality Action Plan

·        Stadium Sports Strategy consultation

·        Maroondah Children Youth and Families 2022 Consultation Program


Input on Council programs


Presentations on the following Council programs were provided with opportunities for Committee input:

·        Free From Violence Program

·        Play and Gathering Strategy

·        Children and Families Strategy and Youth Strategy Action Plans

·        Maroondah 2050 Community Vision

·        Physical Activity Strategy

·        Public Toilet Framework

Other presentations


Committee members provided brief updates regarding their current activities at each meeting.


At the final meeting of the year, Council Officers facilitated a discussion to determine the issues that the Committee wanted to discuss in 2024. The top three priorities were:

·        Supporting the work of the Maroondah Reconciliation Partnership Group, raising awareness about First Peoples and educating the community through public art

·        Sporting, recreational and social activities for the LGBTQIA+ community

·        Council’s role in the prevention of family violence and the promotion of safer relationships.


Maroondah Arts Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Arts Advisory Committee was established in 2018 to provide advice and expertise to assist Council in realising the community’s vision for a creative and culturally vibrant Maroondah.


The role of the committee is to provide advice and support for the development of key strategic directions for arts and cultural development in Maroondah, advocate for arts in Maroondah, provide advice on key cultural policy and planning considerations and provide input on approvals such as major public art commissions or acquisitions.



The committee consists of up to 20 members. This comprises a maximum of twelve local community and creative industry representatives, three Councillors and up to five Council Officers. The committee chairperson for 2023 was Cr Mike Symon. The other delegated Council representatives for 2022 were Cr Suzy Stojanovic (also Deputy Chair) and Cr Paul Macdonald.


During 2023, the committee met four times to inform Council’s vison for the arts in Maroondah as highlighted below:


Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Maroondah 2050 Community Vision with one member also attending the Stakeholder workshop in November 2023

·        Update of the Maroondah Arts Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference

·        Maroondah City Council Art Collection Policy

·        Wyreena Community Arts Centre Heritage Masterplan

·        Play and Gathering Spaces Draft Strategy


Input on Council programs


Presentations on the following Council programs were provided with opportunities for Committee input:

·        Public Art Commissions - Reignite Croydon: Laneway Lights

·        VicHealth Local Government Partnership Arts Activators Project and opportunity to act as a selection panel member for the external Creative Producer role


Input on Council projects


The Committee provided input on a range of key Council projects either being planned or already underway:

·        Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct and black box theatre - opportunities for creativity, connection and wellbeing

·        Creative Place Making and Activation opportunities in Croydon Activity Centre

·        Karralyka Performing Arts Centre Office Upgrade and draft Masterplan



Maroondah Business Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Business Advisory Committee (MBAC) was established in 2017 to provide a vehicle for the collaborative sharing of local business intelligence, sector specific opportunities and challenges to enhance the role of Council’s positive impact on local businesses.


The role of the committee includes providing a formal link between business leaders and Council, provides an opportunity for creative ideas, contributions, and solutions to local business issues, provides feedback and direction on local economy and challenges and acts as sounding board for future Council funded proposals / projects.


The Committee consists of up to 19 members comprising three Councillors; five Council officers including Chief Executive Officer, Director People & Precincts, Manager Business & Precincts; President of the Maroondah Business Group; and eight Maroondah Business Leaders.


The Committee chairperson for 2023 was Cr Kylie Spears. The other delegated Council representatives during 2023 were Cr Rob Steane and Cr Tasa Damante.

The committee met four times in the year, with three meetings scheduled for 2024. 


Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Outdoor Dining Policy

·        2050 Community Vision - business focus

·        Bayswater Business Precinct Transformation Strategy


Input on Council programs


Presentations on the following Council programs were provided with opportunities for Committee input:

·        BizWeek and BizBites (new 2023 addition)

·        Maroondah Business Excellence Awards

·        Woman on the Go

·        Shopping Centre Capital Works

·        Maroondah Economy - Maroondah in Context


Input on Council projects


The committee provided input on a range of key Council projects either being planned or already underway:

·        BizHub State Government partnership

·        Skill linkages

·        People for Business

·        BBP Spatial Planning, collaborative funding multi-Councils

·        Outdoor Dining

·        BizHub CRM

·        Placemaking and outdoor activations

·        Level Crossing Removal Projects

·        Investment Attraction

Agency presentations


The Committee also received presentations from agency representatives relating to initiatives being undertaken:

·        Member businesses provided presentations on their sectors


Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee has been established for over 20 years to inform a broad range of community health and wellbeing matters within the municipality, along with supporting Council’s obligations under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.


The role of the committee is to provide advice to Council and inform service delivery, advocacy and partnerships on a range of community health and wellbeing matters. Areas of focus may include: physical activity, healthy eating, obesity, gambling, mental health, emergency management and community recovery, impacts of climate change, and drugs and alcohol.


The committee consists of up to 17 members. This comprises of a maximum of eight agency representatives from local community service agency partners, a maximum of four representatives from not-for-profit community groups, two Councillors and two Council Officers. The committee chairperson for 2023 was Cr Tasa Damante. The other delegated Council representative during 2023 was Cr Tony Dib.



During 2023, the committee met three times to inform Council’s social policy, community service delivery, and health and wellbeing partnership work as highlighted below:


Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Maroondah 2050 Community Vision

·        Maroondah’s Vaping and Tobacco Policy

·        Planning for Climate Change

·        Maroondah Bicycle Network Plan

·        Maroondah Play and Gathering Spaces

Input on Council projects


The committee provided input on the following key Council project either being planned or already underway:

·        Free from Violence

Agency presentations


The committee also received presentations from agency representatives about themselves as well as relating to initiatives being undertaken:

·        Eastern Melbourne Public Health Network (EMPHN) - Introduction to the Care Finder Program

·        North-Eastern Public Health Unit (NEPHU) - Insights from a Committee Member

·        Karly Horton (Community Representative) - Insights from a Committee Member

·        Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS) - Insights from a Committee Member


Maroondah Disability Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Disability Advisory Committee was established in 2010. Since that time, it has provided important linkages between Council and people with disabilities and their carers. Through the advice and advocacy, the Committee promotes social inclusion and participation of people with a disability in the community.


The Committee consists of up to 14 members. This comprises of a maximum of six positions for people with a disability, two positions for carers of people with a disability (including one carer of a child), a minimum of three service providers, two Councillors and at least one Council Officer.


The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to Council and has no delegated authority to make decisions. Meetings are held three/four times a year and are conducted in accordance with the Terms of Reference for each committee.


The Chair of the Committee is a Councillor as appointed by Council. The Committee Chairperson for 2023 was Cr Kylie Spears. The other delegated Council representatives during 2023 were Cr Tony Dib and Cr Linda Hancock.


In 2023, the Maroondah Disability Advisory Committee met four times with two-hour meetings held in March, June, July and October.


Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Input on International Day of People with Disabilities event for 2023 with this year’s topic chosen to be employment of people with disabilities.

·        Input and feedback on Draft Community Local Law 2023

·        Discussion on Council’s Free from Violence Project

·        Update of the Maroondah Disability Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference

·        Invited to put in an Expression of Interest for the Maroondah 2050 Community Panel

·        Review of the Maroondah Bicycle Network Plan


Input on Council programs


Presentations on the following Council programs were provided with opportunities for Committee input:

·        Council’s Preparing for Emergency for people with disabilities sessions

·        Review of Festival and Carols by Candlelight from a disability perspective

·        Review of Eastern Regional Libraries facilities from a disability perspective


Input on Council projects


The committee provided input on a range of key Council projects either being planned or already underway:

·        Council’s Play and Gathering Places Strategy

·        Children and Families Strategy and Youth Strategy Action Plans

·        Maroondah’s 2050 Vision with two members also attending the Stakeholder workshop in November 2023

·        Council’s Public Toilet framework

·        Consultation on Council’s Customer Service centres


Other opportunities


The Committee were given the opportunity to have input on a range of other activities during the year:

·        Eastern Region Disability Advisory Committee members gathering.

·        Person centred emergency preparedness training.

·        Invitation to Council’s Volunteer Recognition Evening and Bill Wilkins Volunteer of the Year Award 2023

·        A TFER codesign project to shape resources about affirmative consent and sex education for disabled young people, capacity-building workshops to learn more about affirmative consent, sexuality, prevention of gendered violence, and accessibility. This was a paid opportunity.


Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee (MEAC) has held meetings since 2014. Its purpose is to establish a collaborative partnership between Council and key community stakeholders to inform and advise Council on environmental sustainability issues. The goals of the Committee are to:


1.       To advance the environmental sustainability ‘Key Directions’ of Maroondah 2040.

2.       To advise Council on the implementation and review of the Maroondah Sustainability Strategy and related strategies and actions.

3.       To involve others in sustainability initiatives

The committee’s focus is upon matters of a strategic interest. This is supplemented at the end of each meeting by providing opportunity for the community members to bring to the attention of Council any ideas, issues or concerns regarding environmental matters.


The formal meetings are held quarterly, and community members also participate in out of cycle sessions to workshop draft strategies with Council officers.


In 2023, the committee consisted of 14 members. This comprised of three Councillors and 10 community representatives. The committee chairperson for 2023 was Cr Marijke Graham (until September 2023). The other delegated Council representatives during 2023 were Cr Paul Macdonald and Cr Suzy Stojanovic. The October 2023 meeting was chaired by Cr. Stojanovic.



Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Draft Climate Change Plan and Actions

·        Citizen Science Strategy

·        Maroondah 2050 Community Vision


Input on Council projects


The committee provided input on a range of key Council projects either being planned or already underway:

·        Draft Croydon Structure Plan

·        Consultation ideas on the Mullum Mullum Creek Biolink Action Plan

·        Sustainability Symposium ideas


In addition, at each meeting the committee received a written report on the projects and programs being undertaken across Council that are contributing to the focus areas of the Sustainability Strategy. These reports have advised the Committee on the following:

·        Sustainability Strategy 2022-2031

·        Tarralla Creek Precinct Development Guidelines

·        Sustainable House Day

·        Maroondah Vegetation Strategy 2020-2030

·        City Nature Challenge 2023

·        Eastern Alliance on Greenhouse Action (EAGA)

·        Solar & Energy Savers programs

·        20 Minute Neighbourhoods

·        Resource Smart Schools

·        Eastern Alliance of Sustainable Learning

·        Resource Smart Schools

·        National Ride2School Day

·        Maroondah Bicycle Network Review

·        Greening the Greyfields

·        Climate Change Action Plan

·        Croydon Town Park Stormwater Harvesting

·        Water Sensitive City Strategy Action Plan 2021-2025

·        Stormwater Offset Scheme

·        Utility management software

·        2024 Sustainability Symposium

·        My Energy and Water Saver Kits, and

·        The Great Southern Bioblitz 2023


Maroondah Liveability, Safety and Amenity Advisory Committee


The Maroondah Liveability, Safety and Amenity Advisory Committee was reshaped and broadened in 2020 to inform a range of community safety issues, promote livable neighbourhoods across the municipality and enhance local amenity.


The role of the committee is to provide advice to Council and inform service delivery, advocacy and partnerships on a range of community liveability, safety and amenity matters. Areas of focus may include community safety, local amenity, and access to services, place based planning, community facilities and infrastructure, development of local neighbourhoods, precinct planning, management of anti-social behaviour, and the periodic review of local laws.


The committee consists of 22 members. This comprises of 10 agency and organisation representatives, five community representatives, three Councillors and four Council Officers. The committee chairperson for 2023 was Cr Rob Steane. The other delegated Council representatives during 2023 were Cr Tasa Damante and Cr Linda Hancock.


During 2023, the committee met three times to inform Council’s response to community safety issues, enhancement of local amenity and promotion of liveability as highlighted below:


Input on Council strategic work


During 2023, the Committee was consulted and provided input on the following Council strategies and plans:

·        Maroondah 2050 Vision

·        Play and Gathering Space Draft Strategy

·        Local Law 11 Review

·        Physical Activity Strategy

·        Maroondah Bicycle Network Review Priorities

·        Public Toilet Strategy

Input on Council projects


The committee provided input and discussion on a range of key Council projects either being planned or already underway:

·        Free from Violence Project

·        Croydon Structure Plan update

·        Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct update

·        Reignite Croydon Project update.


Financial / economic issues

As noted under the Issue / Discussion section

Environmental / amenity issues

As noted under the Issue / Discussion section

Social / community issues

As noted under the Issue / Discussion section

Community consultation

Council is committed to engaging with the Maroondah community in a meaningful, accountable, responsive and equitable way. Our community and stakeholders play a vital role in shaping the City of Maroondah. Council’s seven advisory committees form a key role in how Council seeks to effectively engage with the Maroondah community. Committees comprise members from community service agencies, local businesses, community organisations, people with lived experience and local residents.


Over the past twelve months, Council’s Advisory Committees have provided invaluable information and advice to Council and the community on a range of strategic, service delivery, policy and capital works matters. The Committees have contributed to the Maroondah community being a more liveable, healthy, safe, prosperous, vibrant, accessible and inclusive place for people of all ages and abilities.



Not Applicable




Not Applicable




2.       recognise the contributions made by all the external committee members during the 2023 calendar year



Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Financial Report: Six Months ending December 2023

Item 4



To present Council with a snapshot of Council’s financial performance for the six months ending 31 December 2023. Attachment 1 provides the full Maroondah City Council financial report.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community.

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive, and   accountable.


In accordance with Section 97 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council is required each quarter to consider the financial performance of the municipality against budget for the year to date (YTD).


The quarter ending 31 December 2023 Financial Report was presented to Audit and Risk Committee on Wednesday, 7 February 2024 and was fully supported.


The attached financial statements contain an Income Statement (Operating Statement); Balance Sheet; Statement of Cash Flows and a Statement of Capital Works. The Income Statement is presented in line with required accounting standards. 

The Statements provide comparisons between actual results and the YTD forecast budget.


The following is a summary of the financial position for the six months ending 31 December 2023. A detailed report is attached to this document.














































Underlying surplus (deficit)










Grants - capital (recurrent and non-recurrent)







Comprehensive result








For the six months ended 31 December 2023, Council has recorded an underlying surplus before capital revenues of $55.77 million, which is $1.3 million ahead the year-to-date forecast budget. This is largely due to timing variances and higher interest income from term deposits during the period, as outlined in the attached report.


The annual forecast underlying surplus of $1.3 million is inclusive of restricted items such as public open space and waste management revenue collected during the year. It is also $2.6 million less than the adopted budget mainly due to the full 2023/24 Australian Government Financial Assistance Grant being brought forward and received in the 2022/23 financial period.

Financial / economic issues

These are as presented in this Report and accompanying Financial Statements. As per section 97 of the Local Government Act 2020, the accompanying financial statements provide a comparison of actual and budgeted results to date with any variances deemed to be material commented on accordingly. On this basis, it is deemed that as at 31 December 2023, a revised budget for the 2023/24 financial year is not required.

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable




Rising inflation, both at a national and global level, continues to be a key economic challenge and the policy actions to address this, are expected to result in a more subdued economic outlook for 2023/24. However, Council continues to respond to the changing environment and maintains a strong financial position.


The 31 December 2023 YTD results are favourable and provides a good foundation for achieving Council’s 2023/2024 services and advocacy programs.





Quarterly Financial Report - Dec 2023


Quarterly Reporting - Financial Reports - 31 Dec 2023 - Appendix Analytics



Not Applicable




Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Council Representation 2023/24 Vacancies

Item 5



To formally appoint Council representation to the internal and external organisations where current vacancies exist.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose in this report.


Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community.


Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.


Key Directions 2021 – 2025:


8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable


Council on an annual basis appoints Council delegates to internal and external organisations. These appointments provide clear communication and delegate identification for Councillors, the community and the organisations or bodies/advisory groups to which a Councillor is a delegate.


There are two types of bodies requiring formal Council representation, either internal or external. Internal bodies/advisory groups have been initiated by Council and are serviced administratively. They typically consider in-depth issues that are related to Council policy or activities. Their primary purpose is to advise Council on issues. An extension of these Committees has been the development of Internal Committees with a large degree of community representation. 


External bodies are outside the control of Council as they operate under their own charter and determine their own procedures, policies and practices. In these instances, Council involvement is to participate, influence and advocate for the Maroondah community on the activities of those external groups where those activities are in the Maroondah public’s interest.


Council representation appointments for the December 2023 to December 2024 period were made at the Council Meeting on 11 December 2023. At this time, there were several delegate vacancies that arose for internal and external committees due to a Barngeong Ward by-election that was underway with no Councillor formally appointed to the ward.




The following committees currently have a vacant Council delegate position to be filled:

·        Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee

·        Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Committee

·        Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee

·        Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action

Issue / discussion

Convention indicates that where the Mayor is a member of an internal Committee of Council, they automatically act as the Chair, unless they relinquish that role, other than the Audit and Risk Committee which is required to have an Independent Chair. 


Additionally, in accordance with good governance practice where the Mayor is not a specific member of a Committee – they may exercise the option to attend any Committee in an ex-officio capacity.


The Internal Advisory Committees are to contribute towards reference panels, and assist with consultation, whether towards the Council Plan, Budget and provide representation of community-based issues that should be considered when making decisions.


Internal Advisory Committees (with delegate vacancy):

Internal Advisory Committee

Brief Description

Councillor Rep #

Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee

The role of the Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee is to provide advice to Council and inform service delivery, advocacy and partnerships on a range of social policy matters relating to community access, inclusion and equity.

Cr Spears, Cr Stojanovic, vacant delegate

Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Committee

The role of the Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee is to provide advice to Council and inform service delivery, advocacy and partnerships on a range of community health and wellbeing matters.

Cr Damante, Cr Dib, vacant delegate

Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee

The role of the Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee is to establish a collaborative partnership between Council and key community stakeholders, to inform and advise Council on environmental sustainability issues.

Cr Macdonald, Cr Stojanovic, vacant delegate


Council also is represented by Councillors and Council employees on a range of External Committees and networks at Local, State and National levels. In these instances, Council involvement is to participate, advocate and influence the activities of these external groups on behalf of the Maroondah community.

External Committees and Networks (with delegate vacancy):




Brief Description

Councillor Rep #

Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action


The Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) is a formal collaboration of eight Councils in Melbourne’s east, working together on regional programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate regional adaptation.

Cr Stojanovic, plus vacant designated substitute

Financial / economic issues

Not Applicable

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable


That Council consider the appointment of delegates to Committees/Bodies/Advisory Groups with vacant Council representative positions.




Not Applicable


Not Applicable






Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee




Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Committee




Maroondah Environment Advisory Committee




Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action






Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Amending Council Meeting Schedule 2024

Item 6



To amend the Council Meeting Schedule for 2024 in line with Council’s practice of one Council meeting per month, which is usually held on the third Monday, depending on Public Holidays and other Council commitments.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and    accountable.


Council, at its meeting on 11 December 2023, set the Council Meeting Schedule for 2024 including the meeting date for the Statutory Meeting of Council with the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


Planning for this schedule takes into consideration the timeframes for adoption of the Council Plan and Budget along with any public holidays that may fall on a Monday.

Issue / discussion

Since the adoption of the Council Meeting Schedule 2024, it is now necessary to amend the date for the July 2024 Council Meeting.


The change of this Council Meeting date is required as a result of the dates released for the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National Assembly 2024.



Original date

Proposed new date

Council Meeting

Monday 15 July 

Monday 22 July

Financial / economic issues

Not Applicable

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable


Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable


At the time of the adoption of the Council Meeting Schedule for 2024, the set dates were in line with Council’s projected timelines, taking into consideration public holidays and other Council commitments. Since that time, there has been a need for review of the July Council Meeting date to take into consideration the confirmed dates for the ALGA National General Assembly.




Not Applicable


Not Applicable




That the 2024 Council Meeting schedule, as adopted by Council on 11 December 2023, be amended as follows

1.       The council meeting that was scheduled for Monday 15 July 2024 be amended to monday 22 july 2024

2.       New Council Meeting DATES 2024
























(for the purposes of adopting Budget & Council Plan)

















(for the purposes of adopting the Annual Report)




13 or 20

Statutory Meeting - Election of Mayor

& Deputy Mayor

(dependant on when 2024 Council Election results are declared)










* notes new dates



Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Report of Audit and Risk Committee Meeting - 7 February 2024

Item 7



To report to Council on the outcomes of the Audit and Risk Committee Meeting held on 7 February 2024.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and    accountable

8.2     Ensure responsible and sustainable management of Maroondah’s resources, assets,     infrastructure and natural environment

8.3     Nurture a continuous improvement council culture of being collaborative, strategic,         sustainable and employing best practice, that positions Maroondah as a leader in local          government

Priority Action 2023-2024:

Not Applicable


The Local Government Act 2020 prescribes that Council must establish an Audit & Risk Committee and that such Committee will be advisory in nature. The Audit & Risk Committee provides a mechanism for Council to strategically examine various aspects of the Council operations to ensure risk management, legal compliance, financial control, and governance measures are in place.


Council’s Audit and Risk Committee consists of both Council and external representatives. Mayor Cr Kylie Spears, and Cr Mike Symon, are the nominated Councillors on the Committee. The external members are Dr John Watson (chair), Mr Bruce Potgieter and Mr Michael Ulbrick.


The Audit and Risk Committee Charter requires that this Committee report to Council on the findings and recommendations from its meetings. This report provides a summary of matters under consideration by the Committee of the meeting held on Wednesday 7 February 2024.



Many items on the agenda are regular reports such as the Chief Executive Officer’s Report, Council’s Internal Audit Progress Report, quarterly Finance Report, Risk and Insurance Report, Internal Audits Actions Register Report and sector related agencies reports.

Issue / discussion

Details associated with some of the regular reports as well as other specific items considered by the Audit and Risk Committee are noted below:

·        The Internal Audit Actions Register for the second quarter of the 2023/24 financial year ending 31 December 2023 was discussed. The Committee endorsed progress made by Council regarding implementation of internal audit recommendations.

·        Internal Auditors HLB Mann Judd provided an update of the Internal Audit Program including current audits underway and forthcoming audits planned during the remainder of 2023/24. An issues paper was also tabled by the Internal Auditors that outlined general sector guidance and trends.

·        The Finance Report for the second quarter of the 2023/24 financial year ending 31 December 2023 was discussed.

·        A Risk and Insurance Report for the second quarter of the 2023/24 financial year ending 31 December 2023 was tabled. The report provided details on Council’s strategic risk outlook, organisational risk profile, organisational risk trends and priorities, key risk controls and mitigation activities, and recent insurance and claims matters.

·        A Chief Executive Officer Report highlighted sector updates of interest related to local government integrity and risk management.

Financial / economic issues

Council’s current budget provides for the operation of the Audit and Risk Committee, the completion of an Internal Audit Program and associated duties and responsibilities to ensure the organisation is actively and effectively managing its risks.

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable




This Report provides a summary of the outcomes of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 7 February 2024 in accordance with transparency and accountability principles. The report illustrates that Council has a strong level of maturity in managing and mitigating its risks and financial sustainability.




Not Applicable


Not Applicable





Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023/24) Priority Action Progress Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24

Item 8



To provide an update on progress made towards implementation of Year 3 priority actions identified in the Council Plan 2021-2025, as at 31 December 2023.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be a vibrant and diverse city with a healthy and active community, living in green leafy neighbourhoods which are connected to thriving and accessible activity centres contributing to a prosperous economy within a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment.

Key Directions 2023 – 2024:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable

8.2     Ensure responsible and sustainable management of Maroondah’s resources, assets,     infrastructure and natural environment

8.3     Nurture a continuous improvement council culture of being collaborative, strategic, sustainable and employing best practice, that positions Maroondah as a leader in local government

Priority Action 2023-2024:

Not Applicable


The Council Plan 2021-2025 is Maroondah City Council’s key medium-term strategic document that sets key directions and priority actions to work towards the long-term community vision outlined in Maroondah 2040: Our future together.


The Council Plan plays a vital role in shaping Maroondah’s future over a four-year period. It identifies both challenges and opportunities for our community at a local and regional level within the context of the community’s long-term community vision, Maroondah 2040: Our future together. It also forms the basis for Council to make decisions regarding resources and priorities in response to community needs and aspirations.


The Council Plan is implemented through service delivery activities and initiatives across Council, and outcomes are measured and reported regularly.


Issue / discussion

Within the Council Plan, there are a range of priority actions identified that work towards delivery of the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision. These actions are updated annually to ensure the Plan continues to be aligned with Maroondah 2040: Our future together, the community’s long-term vision, and is responsive to community needs and expectations.


The Council Plan is divided into eight future community outcome areas, each with a set of four-year key directions (strategies), four-year priority actions, strategic indicators and supporting strategies and plans. The priority actions identified work towards the achievement of the key directions, and ultimately toward the outcomes and visions outlined in Maroondah 2040: Our future together.


The attached report identifies the progress made by Council in delivering the 2023/24 priority actions identified in the Council Plan 2021-2025. Several priority actions are multi-year initiatives scheduled to be completed in future financial years.

Financial / economic issues

Not Applicable

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Council Plan achievements are reported back to Council and the community through quarterly reporting and through the Maroondah City Council Annual Report at the end of each financial year.


Council has made excellent progress during the past six (6) months (1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023) towards the implementation of a broad range of Council Plan Priority Actions for the 2023/24 financial year.





Council Plan Priority Actions Progress Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24



Not Applicable





That council noteS THE progress made towards the delivery of 2023/24 priority actions identified in the counCil plan 2021-2025 AS AT 31 DEcember 2023




Chief Financial Officer Tony Rocca

Local Government Performance Reporting Framework - Service Performance Indicator Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24

Item 9



To provide a Report of Councils’ indicators of service performance, as measured by the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) as at the end of quarter 2 of the 2023/24 financial year (31 December 2023).

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Maroondah Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins this Report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and    accountable

8.2     Ensure responsible and sustainable management of Maroondah’s resources, assets,     infrastructure and natural environment

8.4     Work in partnership to deliver innovative, accessible and evidence informed services that are people focused, proactive, integrated and responsive

Priority Action 2023-2024:

Not Applicable


The LGPRF is a mandatory reporting process developed by Local Government Victoria, which was introduced in 2014 to ensure all Victorian Councils are measuring and reporting on their performance, in a consistent way.


The LGPRF is a Victorian Government initiative aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability of the local government sector performance, to ratepayers and the public.  The Framework is made up of:

·        service performance

·        financial performance 

·        a governance and management checklist.


Together these components build a comprehensive picture of local government performance.


The LGPRF outcomes are reported in Council’s Annual Report in the Report of Operations and Performance Statement sections, as required by the Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2020 and associated elements of the Local Government Act 2020.


End of financial year results are also publicly released by the Victorian Government, enabling benchmarking of the relative performance of Council on LGPRF indicators.

Issue / discussion

Council continues to monitor LGPRF results on a quarterly basis regarding service performance indicators as well as annually for financial performance and sustainable capacity.


Many service performance indicators are subject to fluctuations across the year, which reflect seasonality, or phasing of service delivery. As a result, quarterly data is not always indicative of the end of financial year result.


Council will continue to monitor its performance against the LGPRF indicators and report quarterly to ensure accountability and transparency to the community.

Financial / economic issues

As identified within the report.

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

The end of financial year results for 2023/24 will be publicly released in Council’s Annual Report 2023/24. They will also be submitted for publication to the Victorian Government.


LGPRF service performance results for the second quarter of the 2023/24 financial year (as at 31 December 2023) are presented in the attached report.





LGPRF Service Performance Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24



Not Applicable






Director Assets & Leisure Adam Todorov

Community Facilities Lease Agreement for the Ringwood Croquet Club Inc.

Item 1



To seek Council approval of a lease agreement between Maroondah City Council and the Ringwood Croquet Club Inc. for the occupancy of the croquet facility located in Jubilee Park, Ringwood and to authorise the signing and sealing of the associated documentation.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A safe healthy and active community

Our Vision:  in 2040, Maroondah will be a safe, healthy and active community where all people have the opportunity to experience enhanced levels of social, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025

1.13  Promote physical activity by supporting education initiatives and providing a diverse       range of accessible active and passive open spaces, state of the art sporting precincts          and integrated recreation facilities.


There is one croquet club in the municipality, located on Council land and occupying Council-owned premises at Jubilee Park, Ringwood.  The not for profit, incorporated association currently has 54 members and was established 91 years ago. The three (3) green facility offers social, and competitive inter-club level play.  The current lease of the Ringwood Croquet Club has now expired and the club has requested a new lease agreement for the continued use and occupation of the facility.

Issue / discussion

Council seeks to enter into a Community Facilities Lease Agreement with the Ringwood Croquet Club Inc. by a Lease agreement made between Council and the Lessee. The Lessee will be granted use and occupation of the premises for a term of five (5) years with the option for a further term of five (5) years at annual rentals calculated in accordance with the principles of the Community Facilities Pricing Policy and determined under the category of Community Groups with specialised maintenance.


Officers recommend that Council approves the Lease agreement upon the terms and conditions as set out in the Lease, with the principal terms as follows:

·        Term – Five (5) years with the option for a further term of five (5) years.

·        Maintenance – in accordance with the Community Facilities Standard Maintenance Schedule.

·        Public Liability insurance of $20M and glass replacement insurance.


Financial / economic issues

Council’s Community Facilities Pricing Policy provides an overarching framework to guide Council and ensures a consistent and transparent approach to the pricing of facilities. 


Under the category of Groups that are responsible for specialised maintenance Tennis, Lawn Bowls and Croquet clubs occupying Council owned facilities in Maroondah are responsible for the specialised maintenance of sporting surfaces within their Leased or Licensed facility, i.e. tennis courts, bowling greens, and croquet rinks.


Council charges a rental fee for each specialised sporting area and a pavilion rental which is based on a Category C pavilion in accordance with the Community Facilities Seasonal and Casual Pricing Schedule.

Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

The implementation of the Lease Agreement ensures the clear and equitable delineation of maintenance responsibilities for all tenants occupying Council owned and/or managed community facilities, consistent with the Community Facilities Pricing Policy, and supports a sustainable approach to the provision of community facilities.

Community consultation

The development of the Lease agreement for the Ringwood Croquet Club premises was developed with representatives of the Ringwood Croquet Club.  


The Lease agreement provides a mutually beneficial arrangement between Council and the Ringwood Croquet Club for the continued use and management of the premises.





DRAFT lease particulars - Ringwood Croquet Club - January 2024



Not Applicable








2.        SIgns and Seals all required documentation as appropriate



Director Assets & Leisure Adam Todorov

Capital Works Report: Second Quarter 2023/24 Financial Year

Item 2



To present the financial and operational status of Council’s Capital Works program for the second quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year.

Strategic / policy issues

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  A well governed and empowered community


Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.


Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable


Council, as part of its Adopted Budget 2023/24, allocated $65.77M to Capital Works projects, including significant external funding for the Ringwood Activity Centre Carpark project.  Council also carried forward $2.72M from the 2022/23 capital works budget. The total adjusted forecast budget for 2023/24, taking account of external funding received and various forecast adjustments relating to the timing of specific projects (including a significant adjustment of $24.2M based on the timing for the Ringwood Activity Centre Carpark construction), is $40.78M as of 31 December 2023.


Capital Works program status reports are prepared by management and reviewed monthly at the Capital Works Implementation Group (CWIG) and presented quarterly to the Audit and Risk Advisory Committee (ARAC).


Provided in this report is an overview of Capital Expenditure on Council’s major program areas for the period 1 July to 31 December 2023.



Issue / discussion

The following is a summary of the status of Council’s major program areas as of 31 December 2023.




YTD Forecast Budget

YTD Actual *

YTD Variance

Forecast Budget    **

Carried Forward Amount

Adopted Budget





















Footpaths and Cycleways





















Waste Management







Other Capital Roads and Drainage







Recreational Leisure and Community Facilities







Parks and Open Space







Commercial Centres







Fixtures, Fittings and Furniture







Plant, Machinery and Equipment







Computers and Telecommunications







Building Renewal







Total capital works







* YTD Actual expenditure includes Carried Forwards

** Forecast Budget expenditure includes Carried Forwards


Explanation of variations between forecast budget and adopted budget:

·        Buildings – Variation between adopted $12.84M and forecast $10.91M budgets is due primarily to:

-        $1.61M in negative funds carried forward from 2022/23, relating to the timing of some major community facility projects, which were completed in previous years. These projects include Dorset Multipurpose Pavilion redevelopment, JW Manson Pavilion redevelopment, and Maroondah Edge;

-        $3.3M forecast adjustment (moved to 24/25) for the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct Hub A redevelopment, to reflect the revised project timeframes; and

-        $1.09M forecast adjustment from the Building Renewal area for the Karralyka foyer extension project   

·        Roads – Variation between adopted $3.65M and forecast $5.31M budgets is due partly to:

-        $500K grant funding from the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Phase 4 program, for the Norwood carpark improvement project; and

-        $250K forecast adjustment from the Drainage area, for the Emerald Street Road improvement project

·        Footpaths & Cycleways – Variation between adopted $3.20M and forecast $2.59M budgets is due partly to: 

-        $100K forecast adjustment to the Ringwood Activities Area drainage project, to complement the drainage works

·        Carparks – Variation between adopted $29.02M and forecast $4.15M budget is due primarily to:

-        $24.2M forecast adjustment for the Ringwood Activity Centre Carpark (external funding), to reflect the project timeframes; and

-        $298K forecast adjustment to the Jubilee Park Carpark project (within the roads area)

·        Drainage – Variation between adopted $4.93M and forecast $6.73M budgets is due primarily to: 

-        $1M in funds carried forward from 2022/23 for the Ringwood Activities Area drainage project; and

-        $335K in funds carried forward from 2022/23 for the Jumping Creek Corridor Rehabilitation project

·        Other Capital Roads and Drainage – Variation between adopted $1.06M and forecast $491K is due primarily to: 

-        $258K in funds carried forward from 2022/23; and

-        $480K forecast adjustment (moved to 24/25) for the Ringwood Metro Activity Centre project to reflect revised project timeframes

·        Recreational Leisure and Community Facilities – Variation between adopted $1.90M and forecast $1.29M budgets due primarily to: 

-        $1.27M in negative funds carried forward from 2022/23, relating to the timing of some major sportsfield improvement projects (Dorset Recreation Reserve sportsfields), which were completed in previous years (representing an accelerated completion and spend).

·        Parks and Open Space - Variation between adopted $1.93M and forecast $2.66M budgets is due primarily to:

-        $534K in funds carried forward from 2022/23, relating to the Danielle Reserve playspace project, Longview Reserve playspace project, and the Laura Court playspace project

·        Plant Machinery and Equipment – Variation between adopted $2.91M and forecast $3.34M budgets is due to

-        $1.01M in funds carried forward from 2022/23, relating to a range of vehicle and plant orders that have incurred significant delivery delays

·        Computers and Telecommunication – Variation between adopted $371K and forecast $1.56M budgets is primarily due to:

-        $1.69M in carried forwards from 2022/23, relating to proposed major software upgrades

·        Building Renewal – Variation between adopted $3.75M and forecast $1.27M budgets is primarily due to:

-        $1.09M forecast adjustment to the Karralyka foyer extension project (in the buildings area); and

-        $250K forecast adjustment to the Yarrunga Community Centre Function Room Improvement (in the buildings area)

Financial / economic issues


Council carried forward an amount of $2.72M into the 2023/24 financial year, which primarily related to major projects that were underway at the end of the 2022/23 financial year. 



*YTD Actual expenditure includes Carried Forwards   

**Forecast Budget expenditure includes Carried Forwards


Environmental / amenity issues

Not Applicable

Social / community issues

Not Applicable

Community consultation

Not Applicable


Council has a total Capital Works forecast budget for 2023/24 of $40.78M, including $2.72M carried forward from 2022/23 and significant grant funding from State and Federal Governments.  Key variations between adopted and forecast program budgets for the period 1 July to 31 December 2023 are noted within this report.




Not Applicable


Not Applicable








Director Strategy & Development Andrew Fuaux

Maroondah Planning Scheme Review

Item 1



The purpose of this report is for Council to consider the 2024 Maroondah Planning Scheme Review and endorse its proposed implementation. Recommended actions include submission of the Review to the Minister for Planning, advocacy and preparation of two planning scheme amendments.

Strategic / policy issues

The Maroondah Planning Scheme (Scheme) is a key strategic document that supports many of the future outcomes sought by the Council Plan. Regular review of the Scheme is a regulatory requirement and ensures that it continues to be aligned with the Council Plan.

The following directions contained in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together and the Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023-2024) provide the strategic framework that underpins the purpose of this report.

Outcome Area:  Well governed and empowered community

Our Vision:  In 2040, Maroondah will be an empowered community actively engaged in local decision making, led by an innovative community inspired Council that collaborates regionally and proactively champions local needs.

Key Directions 2021 – 2025:

8.1     Provide community inspired governance that is transparent, accessible, inclusive and accountable

8.2     Ensure responsible and sustainable management of Maroondah’s resources, assets, infrastructure and natural environment

8.3     Nurture a continuous improvement council culture of being collaborative, strategic, sustainable and employing best practice, that positions Maroondah as a leader in local government

8.11   Work in partnership to advocate for and champion the needs and aspirations of the community to Victorian and Australian levels of government, service providers and the business sector


The Maroondah Planning Scheme is a living document that is amended multiple times each year. The majority of modifications are made by the State Government and address arising issues which are relevant to either Melbourne or Victoria as a whole. More recently, in November 2023 the Maroondah Planning Scheme was amended to make changes to the way that the local policy content was laid out. This followed a joint project between Council and the State Government to conduct a neutral translation of Council policy into a new format specified by the State Government.


In addition to these amendments, the Planning and Environment Act 1987 requires that Council conduct a review of its planning scheme every four years. The purposes of the review are to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning scheme. It does this by ensuring that the scheme:

·        Is consistent with Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes.

·        Sets out effective policy objectives for land use and development in the municipality.

·        Makes effective use of provisions to implement State and local policy.


Reviews are ordinarily required to be completed within one year of the completion of a new Council Plan. This ensures that the purposes and vision of the Planning Scheme are adjusted to accord with the Council plan in a timely fashion. The current review has been delayed with the consent of the Minister for Planning to allow completion new format policy translation project.

Issue / discussion

Review themes


The Planning Scheme Review (Review) has now been completed. The Review comprises four volumes, that are included as Attachments 1-4 of this report. These are as follows:


Volume 1: Final report

Volume 2: Policy and procedural inputs

Volume 3: Detailed analysis of local provisions

Volume 4: Marked-up copy of recommended ordinance and map changes


The Review recommends a range of changes to the Maroondah Planning Scheme, future strategic work to be conducted as well as advocacy and process improvement actions. The following recurring themes can be found in these actions:

·        Setting the vision. Ensuring that planning reflects Council’s adopted policies and that strategic directions are clearly expressed within the Planning Scheme.

·        Planning for local places. Supporting the network of activity and employment centres across the Municipality through appropriate planning policy and controls.

·        Planning for heritage. Ensuring that heritage assets remain identified and protected.

·        Planning for the environment and environmental risks. Provision of guidance on managing the environment and environmental risks, including vegetation, the impacts of climate change and potentially contaminated land.

·        Planning for the residential framework. Differentiating between areas of significant, incremental and minimal housing change and understanding what this means for residential neighbourhood character.

·        Planning for transport. Planning for current and future transport needs.

·        Process and administrative improvements. Measures to improve the planning process and address anomalies that have been identified in the Scheme.


Review outcomes


Planning scheme amendments


The review has identified a number of amendments that should be made to the Maroondah Planning Scheme. These vary in nature from minor administrative changes through to updates to planning policy and altered zone and overlay provisions. They include procedural and administrative changes such as:

·        Updating local Schedules to align with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes.

·        Altering text to improve clarity.

·        Altering zone and overlay mapping to align with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes (for example, applying the Transport Zone 2 to arterial roads).

·        Correcting zoning anomalies.

A list of the procedural changes arising from the review are proposed to form a new Maroondah Planning Scheme amendment to be known as Amendment C153maro.  These changes are included in Attachment 5.


There are also a range of additional changes, which are not policy-neutral and must undergo public consultation, including:

·        Updating local policy to reflect adopted Council policies and strategies, or to fill gaps in policy.

·        Rezoning land which has previously been sold by a public authority but remains in a public land zone.

·        Applying the Specific Controls Overlay to land anticipated to be required for a future Healesville Arterial.

·        Removal of redundant Overlay controls.

A list of the non-procedural changes arising from the review are proposed to form a new Maroondah Planning Scheme amendment to be known as Amendment C155maro.  These changes are included in Attachment 5.


The marked-up ordinance to be inserted into the Maroondah Planning Scheme in Volume 4 of the Review (Attachment 4) also identifies which changes are policy neutral (proposed Amendment C153), and those which are not (proposed Amendment C155) and require public exhibition.



Further strategic work


The list of recommendations in the Appendix to Volume 1 (Attachment 1) also include future strategic planning work that has been identified arising from the review. The volume of work exceeds that which can be conducted before the next review of the Scheme. As a result, the recommendations have been prioritised. Work that can be completed in the next three years is proposed to be included in Clause 72.04 of the planning scheme. The prioritised actions are as follows:

·        Setting the vision

-        Prepare an updated Open Space Strategy for implementation through the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

·        Planning for local places

-        Finalise the Croydon Structure Plan 2023 and prepare a planning scheme amendment to implement it.

-        Update the Heathmont Structure Plan and prepare a planning scheme amendment to implement it.

-        Update the Ringwood East Structure Plan and prepare a planning scheme amendment to implement it.

-        Develop planning scheme mechanisms to deliver increased housing and activity in the Neighbourhood Activity Centres and Local Activity Centres and their surrounds at densities suited to each Centre.

-        Prepare and implement strategies to optimise land use, increase employment intensity, and guide development for industrial land in the municipality.

-        Work with the City of Knox and Shire of Yarra Ranges to prepare a framework for the development of the Bayswater Business Precinct.

-        Prepare development contribution plans for Activity Centres where required to facilitate infrastructure and public realm improvements.

-        Develop a policy to provide greater guidance on the appropriate form and location of advertising signage across the municipality.

·        Planning for heritage

-        Consider the need for identifying additional exemptions for planning permits associated with heritage places, including whether there are some sites affected by the Heritage Overlay where the installation of a solar energy system should not require a planning permit.

-        Review Council’s records to determine whether any additional places should be considered for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay.

-        Conduct a review of places of natural or cultural heritage value within the municipality.

-        Continue work with Council’s heritage advisor to review and prepare updated planning scheme heritage policies.

-        Develop heritage design guidelines for heritage places for inclusion in Clause 43.01-6 of the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

·        Planning for the environment and environmental risks

-        Implement the Maroondah Vegetation Strategy 2020-2030, including application of the Environmental Significance Overlay to areas of biological significance identified in the Biodiversity in Maroondah 2020.

-        Work with Forest Fire Management Victoria, Fire Rescue Victoria and public land managers to review the extent of the Bushfire Management Overlay in light of up-to-date information on the risk of bushfire to properties within Maroondah.

-        Develop a mapped register of known potentially contaminated land in commercial and residential zones.

-        Prepare an amendment to the Maroondah Planning Scheme to implement updated flood mapping, including an allowance for climate change, in conjunction with Melbourne Water.

-        Review and update existing Urban Design policy and design guidance within the Maroondah Planning Scheme to include an emphasis on high quality urban design, environmental sustainability, water sensitivity, and community wellbeing.

-        Investigate planning controls that provide incentives for best practice environmentally sustainable design.

·        Planning for the residential framework

-        Develop a Neighbourhood Character Strategy that builds on the Neighbourhood Character Study Review 2018, State policy with respect to housing, and the provisions of the Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh.

-        Prepare a planning scheme amendment to implement the Neighbourhood Character Strategy.

-        Identify future greyfield renewal precincts and implement Greening the Greyfields where appropriate and where owner interest exists.

-        Investigate planning provisions that encourage the construction of small and adaptable dwellings.

·        Planning for transport

-        Develop a Transport Strategy for the municipality

This represents a significant workload but is anticipated to be achievable within the coming three years.


Process Improvements


The focus of this review has been on the content of the planning scheme. However, analysis of the planning scheme and consultation with Council staff and referral authorities has identified some process improvements which should be implemented. These include changes to how information is made available to the public and the collection of application data.




These recommendations are generally beyond the scope of what Council can achieve in its planning scheme under the current Victoria Planning Provisions or scope of the Act. They are matters that Council may wish to pursue with the State Government to highlight the issue and advocate for change. Advocacy recommendations relate to:

·        Correction of the location of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in two locations should the opportunity for change arise, including subsequent modifications to the zone of properties which are currently located partly within and partly outside the UGB.

·        Productive use of land owned by the Head, Transport for Victoria, in the short-medium term (the land reserved for the Healesville Arterial)

Financial / economic issues

The Review makes a total of 219 recommendations, of which 161 require modification to the Maroondah Planning Scheme and 48 require future strategic work.


The scope of future strategic work is beyond that which can be achieved within the coming three years based on existing Council resources. As a result, actions have been prioritised as detailed above.


Recommendations that require modification of the Maroondah Planning Scheme have been grouped into two planning scheme amendments to minimise staff and administrative costs associated with their inclusion into the Scheme. It is proposed that:

·        Council request that the Minister for Planning prepare and approve an amendment to address procedural changes to the Maroondah Planning Scheme. Such an amendment does not require public exhibition or a planning panel and would have minimal cost to Council.

·        Remaining changes be included in a single amendment, to facilitate a single set of planning scheme amendment fees and exhibition process to avoid duplication of costs and staff time.

Environmental / amenity issues

The Planning Scheme Review identifies a number of changes that should be made to the Maroondah Planning Scheme to ensure that the environment and issues such as climate change, bushfire, flooding and land contamination are appropriately addressed through the Maroondah Planning Scheme.


Social / community issues

The Review also identifies the:

·        Need to update planning policy to reflect issues such as the:

-        Hierarchy of activity centres within the municipality and the differing roles that centres perform for the community.

-        Development of the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct.

·        Potential to advocate for the provision of more affordable housing on State Government land in the short-medium term.

·        Need to conduct future strategic work to support increased employment floorspace in the municipality, with a particular emphasis on industrial land.

Community consultation

The Review has focused on responding to existing Council policy, feedback from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and planning panels, and changes made to the Scheme by the State Government since 2013. Accordingly broad community consultation on the planning scheme has not been conducted as part of this process. Consultation will be conducted through formal exhibition of the proposed Amendment C155maro.


A review of the Maroondah Planning Scheme has identified a number of improvements that should be made to reflect current Council and State Government policy, improve the clarity of the text and to address the current requirements of the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes. It is proposed that that this be conducted by two separate planning scheme amendments (Amendments C153maro and C155maro).


The Review has identified a range of future strategic work that should be conducted in time. A selection of this work is able to be completed prior to the review of the Planning Scheme in 2026. These actions are proposed to be included in the Maroondah Planning Scheme as part of Amendment C155maro.





Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 1


Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 2


Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 3


Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 4


Changes included in Amendments C153maro and C155maro



Not Applicable



That Council

1.       Endorse this Planning Scheme Review and forward to the Minister for Planning as evidence Maroondah City Council, as the planning authority for Maroondah Planning Scheme, has met its obligations to review the planning scheme in accordance with Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

2.       Request that the Minister for Planning prepare, adopt and approve prescribed Maroondah Planning Scheme Amendment C153maro pursuant to section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 incorporating the changes identified in Attachment 5.

3.       Using its powers as a Planning Authority under sections 8A and 8B of the Planning and Environment 1987, seek Authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare Maroondah Planning Scheme Amendment C155maro to incorporate the changes identified in Attachment 5. This will include, but not be limited to

i.                 Rewording of the Municipal Planning Strategy to provide greater clarity.

ii.                Rezoning of land other than rezonings to correct evident errors or make changes required by the Ministerial Direction on the form and content of planning schemes.

iii.               Removal of redundant Overlay controls.

iv.               Altering local schedules to zones and overlays to include or update their purposes and other content.

v.                Include new policy to implement

-      Maroondah 2040 Refresh - Our Future Together community vision

-      Council Plan 2021-2025

-      Maroondah Liveability Wellbeing and Resilience Strategy 2021-2031

-      Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh

-      Maroondah Vegetation Strategy 2020-2030

-      Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Strategy, 2018/19 - 2021/22

vi.               Include an updated Clause 74.02 Further strategic work that prioritises the strategic work program based on the findings of this review.

4.       Authorise the Manager City Futures to

i.        prepare the associated amendment documentation.

ii.       Make minor changes to the amendments to give effect to this planning scheme review.

iii.      Make changes to comply with conditions imposed in any authorisation granted by the Minister for Planning.

5.       Following receipt of the Minister’s authorisation, exhibit Amendment C155maro in accordance with Section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

6.       Engage with Transport for Victoria to encourage more active use of the land owned by the authority in Bayswater North and Kilsyth South in the short-medium term.

7.       Formally request that the Minister for Planning adjust the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to align with the boundary between

i.                 342 Wonga Road Warranwood and 15 Delaneys Road Warranwood.

ii.                281-283 Colchester Road Kilsyth South and 12B Ormond Place Kilsyth South.

8.       Formally request that, in the event that the UGB is adjusted as requested, the Minister for Planning use their powers pursuant to Section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to prepare and approve an amendment to the Maroondah Planning Scheme to locate the property at

i.                 15 Delaneys Road Warranwood wholly within the Low Density Residential Zone Schedule 1, or any alternative zone which applies to the bulk of the property at the time.

ii.                342 Wonga Road Warranwood wholly within the Green Wedge A Zone Schedule 1, or any alternative zone which applies to the bulk of the property at the time.

iii.               281-283 Colchester Road Kilsyth South wholly within the General Residential Zone Schedule 1, or any alternative zone which applies to the bulk of the property at the time.





Letters Under Seal - Recognition of 2024 Australia Day Honours



Letters under seal

Council’s Honours and Recognition Policy provides that recipients of Australian Honours who reside within the City of Maroondah, or whose work for which they are being recognised has been undertaken within Maroondah, also be acknowledged of such recognition by Council and presented with a Letter Under Seal.


The Australian Honours comprise of:

·        Order of Australia medal,

·        Australian Bravery decorations,

·        Military medals for Gallantry and for Distinguished and Conspicuous Service,

·        Commemorative medals,

·        Meritorious Service and Long Service medals, and

·        Public Service Medals


The Honours List is published twice a year, for Australia Day (January) and King’s Birthday (June).


Council has been made aware of the following recognition given in the 2024 Australia Day Honours List as recently announced by the Governor General:


·        Mr Colin Hiscoe AM - appointed as an Honorary Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the General Division for significant service to people with a disability through advocacy roles.




Not Applicable


Not Applicable



That council signs and seals A LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS IN RECOGNITION OF THE 2024 AUSTRALIA DAY HONOURS AWARDED TO MR colin hiscoe AM - appointed as AN HONORARY member of the order of australia (AM) in the general division