2014 Maroondah Logo RGB.jpg


Ordinary Meeting of Council






Monday 19 February 2024




Council Chamber, Realm






Chief Executive Officer

1.       Affirmation of Office - Result of By-Election - Barngeong Ward

Attachment 1: .... 2023 Barngeong By-Election - Cr Chris Jones - Affirmation of Office.. 3


Chief Financial Officer

2.       Reports of Councillor Briefings

Attachment 1: .... 2023 December 11 - Councillor Briefing Public Record..................... 4

Attachment 2: .... 2024 February 05 - Councillor Briefing Public Record....................... 6

Attachment 3: .... 2024 February 12 - Councillor Briefing Public Record....................... 8

4.       Financial Report: Six Months Ending December 2023

Attachment 1: .... Quarterly Financial Report - Dec 2023............................................. 9

Attachment 2: .... Quarterly Reporting - Financial Reports - 31 Dec 2023 - Appendix Analytics.................................................................................................... 26

8.       Council Plan 2021-2025 (Year 3: 2023/24) Priority Action Progress Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24

Attachment 1: .... Council Plan Priority Actions Progress Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24.. 28

9.       Local Government Performance Reporting Framework - Service Performance Indicator Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24

Attachment 1: .... LGPRF Service Performance Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24............... 40


Director Assets & Leisure

1.       Community Facilities Lease Agreement for the Ringwood Croquet Club Inc.

Attachment 1: .... DRAFT lease particulars - Ringwood Croquet Club - January 2024.. 59


Director Strategy & Development

1.       Maroondah Planning Scheme Review

Attachment 1: .... Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 1..................................... 61

Attachment 2: .... Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 2.................................... 167

Attachment 3: .... Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 3.................................... 261

Attachment 4: .... Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 4.................................... 412

Attachment 5: .... Changes included in Amendments C153maro and C155maro........ 671


ATTACHMENT No: 1 - 2023 Barngeong By-Election - Cr Chris Jones - Affirmation of Office


Item  1



ATTACHMENT No: 1 - 2023 December 11 - Councillor Briefing Public Record


Item  2


ATTACHMENT No: 2 - 2024 February 05 - Councillor Briefing Public Record


Item  2


ATTACHMENT No: 3 - 2024 February 12 - Councillor Briefing Public Record


Item  2


ATTACHMENT No: 1 - Quarterly Financial Report - Dec 2023


Item  4


ATTACHMENT No: 2 - Quarterly Reporting - Financial Reports - 31 Dec 2023 - Appendix Analytics


Item  4


ATTACHMENT No: 1 - Council Plan Priority Actions Progress Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24


Item  8


ATTACHMENT No: 1 - LGPRF Service Performance Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24


Item  9



ATTACHMENT No: 1 - DRAFT lease particulars - Ringwood Croquet Club - January 2024


Item  1



ATTACHMENT No: 1 - Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 1


Item  1


ATTACHMENT No: 2 - Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 2


Item  1


ATTACHMENT No: 3 - Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 3


Item  1


ATTACHMENT No: 4 - Planning Scheme Review 2024, Volume 4


Item  1


ATTACHMENT No: 5 - Changes included in Amendments C153maro and C155maro


Item  1